Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today I realized just how terrible I am at approaching strangers. I loaded up my RB67, and headed out to find faces. About five miles later, I made a grand total of 5 exposures, of two people. I can still see all the great faces I passed by, too awkward to approach them. And I got rejected twice.

I'm learning about myself. I find I'm much more comfortable approaching young women than any other demographic, followed closely by young couples. I find it easier to approach static people -- waiting for a bus, having a smoke break, etc. -- than dynamic people. It feels intrusive to stop someone and ask for a photo. I'm not comfortable interrupting people, whether they're walking somewhere, talking with someone, listening to headphones, or just about anything else. And I haven't learned my lesson regarding taking names. I photographed a woman having her smoke break, but don't remember her name. Must try harder.

Portraits to follow. 

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